(Scroll down to the Three Charts Exercise: Past Self, Present Self, Future Self )
Hey, beautiful people!
Here's something you may not have considered before . . .
Your astrology and numerology charts will never change.
Yes, we have transits and we can work with our progressed charts, but . . .
Your natal astrology and numerology charts will never change.
From the moment of your birth to your very last breath, these ancient maps of consciousness will remain constant and true. They can never be altered, for they capture the challenges, gifts, qualities and latent potentials of just one specific moment in time . . . the moment of your birth. And that can never be changed.
And yet, while your natal charts are fixed in time, you most definitely are not.
Your psyche is ever-changing, transforming, and evolving.
Isn't that the whole point of incarnation?
But how is it possible for you to change if your charts can't, I hear you ask??
The core of this seeming paradox lies in your psycho-spiritual growth and how this connects with your charts. For while your astrology and numerology charts are immutable, the level of consciousness that you bring to them, as you grow and mature, is not.
Your consciousness is ever-growing and evolving.
And, similarly, while the archetypes shown in your natal charts remain constant—e.g. your Birth Path Number will never change, and nor will your Sun Sign—your personal relationship with each of these archetypes can change and transform, if you are willing to intentionally embrace the soul-work that they illuminate for you . . .
It's by consciously engaging these pathways of soul growth that you come into right-relationship with each of them. And this is when you begin to transform your understanding of:
your natal charts;
your inner sense of Self; and
your sense of what is actually possible for you in this lifetime.
This is when you shift from a low manifestation of how you embody and express your charts in the world, to a more refined, empowered, magnificent manifestation of them.
Imagine a wee little caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly. Or a tiny, tight bud blooming into a splendid rose.
Engaging your soul-work is key to understanding what is possible for you!
Did you know? Research shows that 80% of women underestimate what they are capable of . . .
A whopping 80% of us underestimate our gifts and talents, and what is actually possible for our lives, and so we settle for far less than we're truly capable of. We set our vision for our lives way too low, never even realising our true potential.
Imagine the impact this has on society as a whole, let alone the impact it has on each of us individually.
Thank goodness for the non-biased mirror that astrology and numerology offer us, and the insights they therefore provide in clarifying our soul-work and our true potential!
Certainly, it requires a fierceness of intent and focus to reach the "high end" of our charts, along with a radical shift in our self-concept. But the benefits (both personally and collectively) are unquestioningly worth the soul-work indicated in each of our charts.
And Note: Despite the radical potential for transformation that we each embody, and despite how well (or poorly) we actually embrace that soul-work, our charts will remain ever the same.

Fate, Free-will, and the Power of Personal Agency in Shaping your own Destiny

While I believe that certain events are fated to occur, yes, how you choose to respond to them is entirely up to you.
You have agency.
You have free will in how you choose to show up for yourself; in whether or not (and how) you choose to engage the soul-work illuminated in your charts.
Yes, your charts illuminate the soul-work you are here to do, but as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."
Doesn't this fly in the face of astrology and numerology?? Not at all.
The archetypes are multivalent. You have agency in how you decide to work with your charts; in how you decide to co-create your life with the Divine, and with your Higher Self.
Or not.
You have way more agency than you may realise.
What you do matters.
What you choose not to do also matters.
Importantly, please don't use your charts to dismiss and excuse the soul-work you are here to do; nor to deny the extraordinary opportunities that you constellate.
As my wise astrology teacher, Steven Forrest, always emphasises, there is nothing so inherently bad in a chart that can't be turned around with patience, self-love, discipline, and commitment. And there's nothing so wonderful in a chart that can't be destroyed with laziness, apathy, self-loathing, a lack of focus, and negativity.
My hope for you is that you will turn within to be guided by your telos—the part of you that knows who you are ultimately here to become in this lifetime, as an acorn is here to grow into a mighty oak tree (and could never become a carrot or a peony).
My hope for you is that, in turning within, you will find and act upon this essential and life-defining self-knowledge that is seeded within your core, rather than searching outside of yourself.
My hope for you is that you will always act from this place of self-respect and inner dignity.
How your charts will play out is not predetermined.
To the contrary, the greater awareness you bring to your inner purpose and meaning, the more directly you become aware of Divine guidance and synchronicity in play; the more you become fully incarnated and engaged in your true vocation; and the greater part you play in shaping your own Destiny . . . in forging your Path.
And, therefore, the more able you become to contribute meaningfully to the lives of others.
DO your soul-work, so that you become the person capable of achieving your Great Work.
Do the work, so that we may all benefit from your strengths and talents.

The Three Charts Exercise: Past Self, Present Self, Future Self
I invite you to create three copies of your astrology or numerology chart.
Label the first one Past Self. The second one Present Self. And the third one Future Self.
Of course, the first thing you'll notice is that they're all the same chart!
And yet they're not, as we've already been exploring.
I invite you to write out all of the Number archetypes, or all of the Planet archetypes (if you're working with your astrology chart), leaving enough of a gap underneath each archetype for you to write out your reflections.
You're going to do this three times over, once each for the Past, the Present, and the Future charts.
For the Past Self Chart

Dig out some old photos of yourself. Really look at them. Feel into who you used to be when you were much younger. What was important to you? What did you value? What were you scared of? What did you really, really want? What inspired you? What are your greatest memories? What were your greatest gifts? Losses? Challenges? What did you accomplish that you are still so proud of? Are there any memories of shame or embarrassment? Who were your favourite friends and loved ones? What were your favourite games? Who or what did you want to be when you grew up?
And whatever else arises for you . . .
Make heaps of notes.
With the archetypal knowledge that you currently have, which archetypes seem to stand out the most to you, from this initial reflection?
Then I invite you to note down everything you can remember about how you specifically engaged the Number 1, when you were younger. (Or do this with the Planets, instead.)
How do you see you used show up on Number 1's archetypal continuum? How did you feel about this archetypal energy? Can you think of some real life examples of how this energy played out for you . . . really put some skin on it. Do you think you embodied this archetypal energy well? Or was it perhaps under-developed in some ways, or over-developed? How did it challenge you? How were you aligned with it?
And then repeat this exercise for the Number 2, then Number 3, and all of the other Numbers (or Planets). Collate your reflections together, and clip them to the first version of your chart, the chart of your Past Self.
NOTE: If you've signed on for the free mini-lesson I gave on the Birth Path Number (here), maybe you could dig out the Keyword Handout that I included. Have that in front of you. Use the keywords for each Number archetype, in turn, to support your explorations and reflections.

For the Present Self Chart
I invite you to sit with some recent photos of yourself.
Lean into who you've become; how you've matured and grown. What is important to you, now? What do you value? Are you living a life that feels guided by a deep inner knowing; a deep inner meaning? Do you feel your younger self would be proud of the life you're creating for yourself? Where do you live? Do you love your home and its energy? Do you love the way you show up in the world? Do you love what you're known for? What are you scared of? What do you really desire? Who/what inspires you? What does your spiritual practise look like? What are your greatest accomplishments, as a mature adult? What are the greatest gifts and talents you've developed, so far? What are the losses or challenges you are facing? Who do you love? What are your favourite past times and hobbies?
And whatever else arises for you . . .
Make heaps of notes.
Ask yourself, "What's the best thing about being this age now, rather than being younger?" Be still and patient with the answers that come. Then write them down.
With the archetypal knowledge that you currently have, which archetypes seem to stand out the most to you about your current life?
Then, still working with the Keyword Handout as a guide, I invite you to note down everything you can about how you specifically engage the Number 1, now. (Or do this with the Planets, instead.)
Where do you see yourself on Number 1's archetypal continuum, now, in real time?
How do you feel about this archetypal energy, as a mature adult? Can you think of some real life examples of how this energy currently plays out for you . . . really put some skin on it. Do you think you embody this archetypal energy well? Or is it perhaps under-developed in some ways, or over-developed? Are you in right-relationship with it, or does it challenge you? If so, how?
Again, repeat this exercise for the Number 2, then Number 3, and all of the other Numbers (or Planets). Collate your reflections together, and clip them to the second version of your chart, the chart of your Present Self.
For the Future Self Chart

Lean into who you're becoming; who you're maturing into.
What is the best possible outcome you can desire for yourself?
Allow some time and space to envision your life when you're in your 80s and 90s. How do you imagine your life has evolved over the coming decades?
Have you prepared well for your Future Self?
How is your health? Your wealth?
Where would you love to retire? To a few acres in the Northern Rivers, surrounded by flowers, hens, organic produce, and plum trees; attending Melanie's belly-dancing class in Nimbin each week, and chilling with a chai at the Rainbow Tent at The Channon Markets?
Or to the big smoke in Melbourne, enjoying a double shot macchiato each morning at Brother Baba Budan's in Little Bourke Street, regularly attending the theatre, and relishing the latest instalment at the National Gallery Victory?
Or are you loving the life of a digital nomad, roaming through Lima, Kyoto, Cinque Terre, and the Greek islands?
Really give yourself permission to dream into the life that you'd love to create for yourself.
Who have you become?
What is important to you, in this blessed future? What do you value? Are you living a rich, rewarding, fulfilling life, guided by a deep inner knowing; a deep inner meaning?
How does it feel to have wholeheartedly pursued your true vocation all these years? To have lived true to your heartfelt desires?
What are you most proud of creating in your life?
Do you love the way you show up in the world? The clothes and accessories you wear, and the way you wear your hair?
Who/what continues to inspire you? Who do you now inspire??
What are your greatest accomplishments and achievements? What are the greatest gifts and talents you've developed? What are you most known for in your family, in your community? What do you contribute to the lives of others?
What are the losses or challenges you have faced? Are you proud of how you show up, both in times of joy and in times of grief?
Who do you love and share your life with?
What are your favourite past times and hobbies?
How do you now spend your time?
And whatever else arises for you . . .
Dream into the home and life you're creating for yourself.
Make heaps of notes.
Ask yourself, "What will be the best thing about being an elder, rather than the age I am now?" Be still and patient with the answers that come. Then write them down.
With the archetypal knowledge that you currently have, which archetypes seem to stand out the most to you about your future life?
Then, for the third time, and still working with the Keyword Handout as a guide, I invite you to note down everything you can about how you imagine your Future Self will specifically engage the Number 1. (Or do this with the Planets, instead.)
Where do you see yourself on Number 1's archetypal continuum, in the future? How do you feel about this archetypal energy, as a wise elder? Imagine that you embody this archetypal energy very well; and that after a lifetime of soul-work you are now living in right-relationship with it. How does this support and empower you? Can you think of some real life examples of how this energy could be playing out for your Future Self . . . again, really put some skin on it.
Again, repeat this exercise for the Number 2, then Number 3, and all of the other Numbers (or Planets). Collate your reflections together, and clip them to the second version of your chart, the chart of your Future Self.
Given all that has arisen within you during this exercise, I invite you to create a beautiful, inspiring vision board of who you are becoming . . . your deeply fulfilled Future Self.
Time to Reflect

Once you've completed this Three Charts exercise, I encourage you to make some time to reflect on the evolutionary journey that you can see unfolding between the three charts - your Past Self, Present Self, and Future Self.
I invite you to journal the insights that you received as you worked through the exercise, and to share your reflections with a trusted friend. (Maybe you can do it with them and share the experience?) I'd also love to hear any insights that you'd like to share with me.
You could also display the collage that you've created where you can see it, so that it inspires you to connect with your Future Self, daily, and to intentionally work towards creating that life, so that it's there for you when you arrive through time.
Finally, I invite you to write a letter to your Future Self, with great care, admiration, and love.
By displaying the collage of the inspirational imagery you saw, writing a letter to your Future Self, and sharing your insights with a trusted loved one, you can really anchor this future version of yourself in your current reality . . . breathe life into it!
Remember, your astrology and numerology charts remain exactly the same, but as you grow and mature, you have the opportunity to shift into higher and higher versions of how your charts play out; how you embody them; how you see yourself; and how you understand what is possible for you and your future.
In the chart of your Future Self, you can see the highest possible potential that has been seeded in your charts at birth.
And honestly? This potential is right here in the room with you. Right now.
'Cause your charts never change.
It's yours. It's just waiting for you to decide to claim it; to step into it; to honour it.
Take the hand of your Future Self, and ask them to guide you. What would your Future Self do? How would they make decisions? How would they handle the situations and dynamics that you find yourself facing?
The Past does not dictate the Future
Deeply understand that the past does not dictate the future. And that who you used to be in no way limits who you have the potential to become.
Thank your Past Self for all they've done to bring you to this particular point.
And, if you find yourself trapped in a fixed mindset about what is possible for you, I invite you to let go of any old stories about what happened, and what is now impossible for you. Release the scripts that are running in your head. Release your old self-concept. Stop blaming the past. All of this is restricting you, and holding you in stasis, repeating the same old patterns over and over again.
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got," as Henry Ford once quipped.
Understand that:
You can grow.
You can change.
You can learn new skills.
You can make new decisions.
You can release old ways of being.
You can honour your telos, your inner guide.
You can come into right-relationship with each of the archetypes.
You can harness the power of personal agency to shape your destiny.
Trust that each and every moment presents a newfound opportunity to make a new decision; to redefine yourself; and to choose a new way of responding to life.
Who are you becoming?
Who is your Future Self?
Imagine yourself standing at a point in time where your future splits into a number of different possible timelines. On one timeline, you simply continue on as you are now, as your Present Self . . . taking one step after another, with nothing really changing, until this becomes your Future Self, with no real shifts or transformation. That's one possibility for your life. (Although hardly optimal. No offence intended.)
And on another timeline, you've committed to turning within to receive your inner guidance. You've committed to doing the soul-work that each of the archetypes demand of you, so that you can grow and come into right-relationship with each of them. You are passionately living into the "high end" of your charts, and intentionally becoming that incredible Future Self that you envisioned in the Three Charts exercise.

Understand that the narrative of your life is yours to write.
And you are under no obligation to be the same person now that you were even five minutes ago, let alone five years ago, or when you were five years old.
I mean, you could. It's up to you, of course. But understand you aren't fatalistically "locked into" any of the previous iterations of how you've expressed your charts. Nor are you bound by any preconceived limitations that you (or others) may have about them.
Instead, you're invited to bring your consciousness to bear on your charts, and to intentionally do the soul-work that is clearly mapped out for you.
Do. the. work.
Your charts are exquisite, custom-made invitations to grow, transform, and transcend old, worn-out versions of yourself (that you may have been holding onto for the past 328 lifetimes), whilst remaining archetypally true to your soul's intentions for evolutionary growth in this lifetime.
They simultaneously show us your past, your present, and your future.
Are you consciously evolving between each of these Three Charts? Or remaining stagnant?
I invite you to reflect on the highest possible expression of your astrology and numerology charts, and to ask yourself, "How can I become more conscious of my soul's journey and the soul-work entailed?" and "What changes can I initiate in order to step closer to my true potential?"
Embraced this way, life becomes an exhilarating, intentional journey of authentic self-discovery, growth, and personal transformation!

Feel free to hit them with a plot twist!
Ultimately, it's your life.
It's your story.
The power to author each new chapter is in your own hands.
So, feel free to hit them with a plot twist whenever you want!
Strive for the "high end" of your charts . . . your true, magnificent potential.
Your Great Work.
And know that the stronger and wiser we each individually become, the brighter we each shine, the stronger and wiser the whole of humanity becomes.
We all benefit from each other's personal growth and transformation.
We all benefit (individually and collectively) when each of us commits to doing our soul-work that we may each step into our Great Work.
As you've heard me say many times, we all benefit when we all shine.
Who are you here to become, my beautiful acorn?
Let's finish with a line from the great Irish poet, David Whyte:
"What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?"
As always, thank you for your company on this path. You know I'm so grateful for it! I'd love to hear any questions or insights you've had. Especially if you make time to work through the Three Charts exercise that I've outlined for you in the article.
And if you think this article will be of service to anyone, please share it with your circles.
Engagement helps my little business to grow, and it helps to increase the general archetypal literacy in our community.
Can I be of service to you on your Path? I would love to encourage and support you to claim your authentic gifts and talents, and to step into your true potential. If you'd like to work with me, please reach out. Let's connect, personally.
Blessings. 🙏
Juliette xo