The Pagan celebration of Imbolc is a time to intentionally let go of the past, in order to create ample room for new beginnings, for new seeds to take root in our life. What would you like to grow in your life? Be mindful and deliberate, for what you plant now, you will harvest at Lughnasadh in early February, next year!

Today is the pagan celebration of Imbolc here in the Southern Hemisphere! It is a time to intentionally let go of the past, in order to create ample room for new beginnings, for new seeds to take root in our life.
We need to be considered and deliberate in this moment of power ... In stepping across the sacred threshold of Imbolc, it is best to be intentional about what we want to take with us into the next chapter of our lives. What do we want to flourish and thrive in our world? And what do we need to leave behind and release, in order to support this new chapter of life?? Be honest with yourself!
Be mindful that what we are planting now, in the midst of eclipse season, we will harvest at Lughnasadh in early February next year. Are you intentionally planting? Or are you absentmindedly allowing the winds to simply blow random seeds into your garden?? Or procrastinating on planting those seeds? Now is THE time to be intentional about what you are creating!
Pay attention to what you are giving energy and space to in your life.
Plant your seeds with care and great devotion.
Remember, what you plant now, and then water with your love, energy, time, and dedication, is what you will ultimately begin to harvest at Lughnasadh next February.
Blessed be, beautiful people. May you plant and tend your gardens well for the upcoming season! For if we fail to cross this threshold with great awareness, as Antonio Machado's poem (below) warns us, we may find ourselves confronted with the stark pain and despair of a barren garden ... and perhaps a sense of shame, for those us who serve as Vessels of the Divine, for failing to honour the wisdom of the Wheel of the Year, and for failing to allow something to be birthed through us into this realm.

With Peace and Warm Blessings
Juliette xo