Hey, beautiful people!
Every single year, I say to myself, "I’m going to create a Teaching Calendar for the year ahead." But it’s never actually happened.
Until now . . .
Now, it may come as a surprise to see so many different courses in the mix!
You may have thought that my signature course, Know Thyself!: The Foundations of Archetypal Numerology was the only numerology course that I offer. And that's understandable, as it's the only one I've shared with the greater community . . . up until now.
There are a number of other courses that I teach, as well—at an intermediate- and an advanced-level. To date, I've only offered these courses to the alumni of Know Thyself!. But it feels like it's time to make these more advanced numerology courses available to our greater community, as well.
I'm sure there are many among us with solid foundational skills in numerology, who'd love the opportunity to stretch, develop, and refine their skills and techniques. And so, I'm opening the doors . . .
To be honest, it's an experiment?? It feels like Soul Weaving is heading for some big changes this year, and I'm leaning into that rather than shying away.
What does this mean? Honestly, I'm not entirely sure?? 🤷♀️
But if you’d definitely prefer to train with me in a completely LIVE environment (with no pre-recorded materials), then this is your year to jump in with me. (More on these potential changes and developments, later.)
I invite you to scroll down to my Numerology Teaching Calendar for 2024, below. You'll find the names and dates for each of the courses, and if you click the links provided, you'll be taken to that course's webpage with all of the course details, and the ability to enrol.
You’ll note that each course is only offered once during the year (other than Know Thyself!, which will be offered twice, this year.) So, if there's a particular course that you're interested in taking with me, jump in!
I'd absolutely love to journey with you! It would be my honour and true joy.
(You'll also notice that not all courses have their own webpage yet. I'm working on that, one at a time! If there's a course you're interested in that doesn't have its own webpage yet, feel free to reach out. Always happy to connect, and to answer all your questions.)
And so, without further ado, here’s my Teaching Calendar for 2024, as it stands in this moment. (Subject to change.)
2024’s Numerology Teaching Calendar
Note: All classes are limited to just 12 students, and taught online
Early Bird expires 10 January, 2024
Monday, 29 January - 11 March, 2024
(7-week course) - Intermediate-level training
Early Bird expires 10 January, 2024
Tuesday, 30 January - 23 April, 2024
(13-week course) - Intermediate-level training
Early Bird expires 3 February, 2024
Monday, 25 March - 17 June, 2024
(13-week course) - Beginners
Communicating the Chart: How to Read for Loved Ones and Clients
Monday, 7 May - 18 June, 2024
(7-week course) - Advanced
Month off from teaching and Readings etc, except for Chiron's Cave (mid-June to mid-July), to retreat into the darkness of the year, and honour the Winter Solstice / Yule.
Hekate’s Keys: An Evolutionary Approach to the Planes of Expression
Tuesday, 16 July - 8 October, 2024
(13-week course) - Intermediate
Monday, 23 September - 16 December, 2024
(13-week course) - Beginners
Astrology for Numerologists: Annual Profections
Tuesday, 29 October - 10 December, 2024
(7-week course) - Intermediate
And this will take us through to the end of the year. Phew!
I hope you're keen to jump in with us??
I'd absolutely love to journey with you.
I'm so grateful for your company on this amazing Path we're walking together. Radiant blessings for all that 2024 is beckoning you towards.
And remember, we all benefit when we all shine.
Juliette xo