Numerologically, September is one of the most important months of the year, because it amplifies each year's soul work—both personally and collectively.
This month will illuminate and magnify your Personal Year Number, because this is the only month of the year when your Personal Year Number and Personal Month Number are the same.
Think of September as switching on a huge spotlight.
You've already had eight months under your Personal Year Number's guidance since 2024 began. So, you should be fairly familiar with its energy by now. September will shine a light on how far you've really come. It could also highlight where you need to dig in and make substantial progress before the year's end.
Remember, you've only got four months left in 2024.
That's it.
And when we reach the end of the year, it'll be another 9 years before this particular Personal Year Number returns to the helm of your life. That makes it 2033 before you'll have the chance to work directly with this Personal Year Number, again.
So . . . engage!
Seriously. Bring as much consciousness and intentionality as you can to the work of 2024.
If you have any questions, or insights/stories that you'd like to share, please drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you!
Deep blessings for the month ahead, and all that it reveals to you.
Juliette xo