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Jupiter Retrograde 2024

Writer's picture: Juliette ValentinaJuliette Valentina

Jupiter Retrograde Dates 2024

Jupiter Retrograde: Deeper Purpose

Jupiter, the planet known as the Greater Benefic, has begun His annual retrograde cycle. It's worth understanding, so let's dive in . . .

Jupiter is associated with many things, from learning, philosophy, and wisdom, to hope, faith, and optimism. He is also known as the bringer of fame, wealth, success, opportunities, and good fortune.

Importantly, Jupiter is the planet of sustainable growth & expansion. Therefore, Jupiter emphasises cohesion and integration.


Because Jupiter wants to know that any new territory you've gained, is kept.

Expansion ... consolidation ... expansion ... consolidation.

Each expansion moves you further forward towards your ultimate goal.

Each consolidation ensures a new, solid foundation to continue growing from.

Jupiter's 4-month retrograde cycle each year is your annual opportunity to consolidate the growth and gains you've made up to that point . . . and it's a chance to integrate your new progress into the greater structure of your overall life.

Without this opportunity to consolidate each year, you'd eventually lose any ground you've been making. So, Jupiter's annual retrograde season is an important element of your personal growth journey.

Over the next few months, you'll be asked to re-examine the opportunities you've received. Please understand that it's completely up to you to recognise these opportunities and to make the most of them. It's on you to develop them into something worthwhile.

When presented with life's opportunities, how do you respond?

  • Do you jump in, trusting that you'll figure it out as you go??

  • Do you grab it with both hands and commit the necessary time and resources to develop it into something amazing?

  • Do you hold back, wondering if you're capable? (i.e. Failing to trust that there's a reason life is offering you this opportunity . . . )

  • Do you fail to even realise the opportunity that's being offered to you?

  • Do you let it slip between your fingers?

As master astrologer Steven Forrest says, Jupiter asks you three main questions:

  • Where do you underestimate yourself?

  • Where do you settle for less than you know you're capable of?

  • Where (why?) do you cop out on yourself?

What great (albeit difficult) self-reflection questions to ponder, this Jupiter retrograde season. Can you see how they apply to any opportunities you've received over the past few months?

Jupiter Retrograde 2024: Key Dates

Check your journals, calendars, & social media posts

If you're anything like me, you'll want to check what is going on in your world on the relevant dates of this retrograde cycle. It helps us stay in sync with the conversation that Life is trying to have with us. So, here are the Key Dates to check in your journals, calendar, and social media posts etc.

But first, let's loop back to the previous time that Jupiter retrograded in Gemini, twelve years ago.

Jupiter's previous retrograde in Gemini, in 2012/2013.

As always, precedence is your friend. Understanding how Jupiter retrograde unfolded for you previously in Gemini is helpful in understanding this current chapter, and how you can make the most of it. If you're curious, the Jupiter Retrograde dates for 2012 were:

  • Phase 1 - Pre-Shadow Period:

    11 July 2012 (06° 19' Gemini) to 4 October, 2012 (16° 22' Gemini)

  • Phase 2 - Official Retrograde Period:

    5 October, 2012 (16° 22' Gemini) to 29 January, 2013 (06° 19' Gemini).

  • Phase 3 - Post-Shadow Period:

    30 January, 2013 (06° 19' Gemini) to 25 April, 2013 (16° 22' Gemini).

I invite you to check through your journals and calendars etc. Think back to what you were doing in late 2012/early 2013. What stands out for you? What's the connection between now and then? Somehow, this year's Jupiter Retrograde will be touching back on your former story line from that time period.

What opportunities did you make the most of? And what opportunities did you allow to simply pass you by? How can you make the most of similar opportunities when they're presented this time around?

When did our current Jupiter cycle begin?

Before we explore the dates for Jupiter's current retrograde season, I think it's also important to look back to 19 May, 2024, which was the very first day of this current Jupiter cycle. This was the day that Jupiter conjunct the Sun, at 28° 18' of Taurus, and embarked on this brand new journey.

I encourage you to look back through your journals, photos, emails, and social media posts . . . anything that can help orient you in time.

  • What greater goals or dreams were you leaning into back then?

  • What projects were you starting?

  • What felt important to your success and your future growth?

  • Critically, how much progress have you made with that particular aspiration between then and now?

Try to think archetypally or symbolically rather than purely literally.

If the answer to that final question is, "Not much, honestly," then I encourage you to open yourself to the potential opportunities that were being presented. And I refer you back to the three questions above from Steven Forrest.

Whatever this current retrograde cycle is about, it'll likely link back to whatever was unfolding for you back then.

Okay, Let's go . . .

Phase 1: Pre-Shadow Period

15 July, 2024 (11° 16' Gemini) - 8 October, 2024 (21° 20' Gemini)

Jupiter entered the pre-shadow period of His current retrograde cycle on 15 July, 2024 at 11° 16' of Gemini. So, we're a few weeks into the greater retrograde cycle, as I write this.

Note the date, and (again) check back through your journals etc: 15 July.

Phase 1 is when you're getting the itinerary, so to speak, for what this retrograde season is about for you - particularly on 15 July. So, what opportunities are being presented to you during this phase? What ideas are occurring to you? What's been coming up for you since 15 July?

Phase 2: Official Retrograde Period

9 October, 2024 (21° 20' Gemini) - 3 February, 2025 (11° 16' Gemini)

Jupiter will turn retrograde, officially, on 9 October, 2024 at 21° 20' of Gemini, and will then double back over the same ground He's been covering since 15 July, 2024.

The peak point of this phase will be Jupiter's opposition with the Sun on 8 December, 2024 at 16° 15 ' of Gemini . . . right in the. very middle of this second phase.

At this point, the Sun will critically shine His light on your dreams and aspirations, and the progress you've made to date. Any issues and weaknesses that He finds will be illuminated and brought glaringly to your attention. You may reach a seeming impasse, or feel confronted by unexpected problems/obstacles that you will need to overcome in order to retain the progress you've already made, and to keep moving forward.

You may find yourself thinking, "But this isn't what I thought I was agreeing to!" "I didn't realise this would be required." "THIS is not what I intended." "Nope, I don't like this."

You may even feel like you're losing some of what you've gained. Trust that this is okay. Rather than thinking of it as something you're "losing," approach it as an opportunity to clear your path of anything that doesn't actually contribute to the longevity of your greater dream; or as a necessary sacrifice to ensure the health of the greater project.

During this second phase, with all the problems being illuminated, you may find your faith and optimism being challenged and your hope waning.

At the end of the day, though, you'll need to confront the issues highlighted around 8 December, if you are to consolidate your path. So, this is when you may realise that you'll need to adjust your course, your expectations, your approach, or your strategy.

Handled poorly, the second phase may leave you realising that your recent progress was just a bit of luck. A fluke. You could lose all the ground you'd made . . . with life then returning to how things were beforehand.

Handled well, this pivotal phase ensures that you can truly own whatever gains the Jupiter cycle has brought your way, both internally and externally. By taking the time to address the issues or weaknesses highlighted, you'll build strong, firm foundations that are truly capable of supporting your life and all that you're building.

This new foundation will become your new jumping-off point to so much more.

Phase 3: Post-Shadow Period

4 February, 2025 (11° 16' Gemini) - 1 May, 2025 (21° 20' Gemini)

Then, from 4 February to 1 May, 2025, Jupiter turns direct, making His third and final pass over the exact same territory.

This third pass is known as the post-shadow period, and this is when you'll realise that things really aren't as awful as you'd perhaps come to think they are. In fact, things are going pretty well! Phew! Your sense of optimism, hope, and possibility returns, as Jupiter moves forward.

With everything you've learned through phase 2, you realise that you actually CAN achieve your goals! There IS still time to make good on your opportunities! It's not too late, after all . . .

Thank goodness.

Once Jupiter finally returns to 21° 20' of Gemini on 1 May, 2025, that'll be it. Jupiter will be done for another cycle, and it'll be another 12 years before He returns to Gemini's neck of the woods.

Working with your Astrology Chart

To see which areas of life are most likely to be impacted by this Jupiter retrograde season, I invite you to check four Houses in your astrology chart.

Firstly, consider the placement of Jupiter in your natal chart. Jupiter's movement through the Heavens is always informing this natal position.

Secondly, consider the Houses that are ruled by Sagittarius and Pisces. Why? Because Jupiter traditionally rules both of these zodiacal signs, and so His movements always impacts those Houses, too.

And finally, check to see which House is ruled by Gemini, as this is where Jupiter will actually be retrograding over the coming months. You'll definitely be feeling it in this area of life, as well.

Additionally, you could note whether you have any planets or key points between the degrees of 11° 16' and 21° 20' of Gemini (conjunction), Virgo (square), Sagittarius (opposition), or Pisces (square); or Libra and Aquarius (trine). These areas of your chart are likely to be impacted, by aspect, as well.

I truly hope this has been helpful. I'd love to hear how the season impacts you. If you have any questions or insights to share, please reach out. I'd love to hear from you. And please share the article with your circle, if you think it may serve others.

Blessings for your Jupiter Retrograde journey, 2024!


Juliette xo


“When you don’t follow your nature, there is a hole in the universe where you were supposed to be.” - Dane Rudhyar

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