Client and Student Love
A few words of Love from my precious clients and students.
Thank you all for allowing me to journey part of the way with you!
As Ram Dass says, "We're all just walking each other home."
“I came home and wrote a transcript from the recording of our time together. There was so much information that it took a second run through to really get it. I don't know that I can recall ever feeling so 'seen', or validated on my journey. It can be so f**king hard to pull back and get any kind of long view that's not marred by my ego mind's carry on ...
Juliette's reading gave me a CONTEXT to my experience and my history that I haven't had before. It gave me an angle on things that I have deeply personalised and struggled with my whole life. And I think the best part was that I walked away with this sense of excitement about what lies on the other side of this paradigm shift that's coming.
I just feel so much more surrendered to the intensity and difficulty of the contracts I've made. I'm not lamenting the fact that after all this work it still feels so hard, because I kind of get that on another level it's exactly as hard as it's supposed to be. And I feel like when the tower(s!) crumble, I'll remember what Juliette said, and I'll know to really draw on my faith in the process.”
Paige Phoenix, Australia
"The moment Juliette starts your natal Chart you’ll realise this is not simply a hobby for her. She has knowledge and insight that seems to go back thousands of years - she’s an old soul for sure. Juliette’s highly intelligent, articulate, deeply intuitive, and I can't forget to mention her loud, joyous laugh!
I had an intensive & extensive 6hr Natal Chart Reading with her back in 2010! She made notes which I didn't keep, but recently I stumbled across the recordings of the sessions hidden on my hard drive. When I had this reading back in 2010 I was still in denial about the dysfunctional patterns showing up all around me.
Listening back now, I have been blown away by the truth that was revealed regarding my karmic journey and my spiritual path.
My life continues unfolding exactly as Juliette said it would, according to my chart. Listening back to the sessions now has given me so many ah-ha moments and offered me much peace of mind and acceptance regarding recent events (ie my 30yr marriage ending, stage 4 cancer diagnosis, and death of my husband). I have also been reminded of the work I'm supposed to be doing and feel a renewed sense of purpose.
Do yourself a favour and have an in-depth Natal Chart Reading. Long story short.... I couldn't recommend Juliette highly enough! Big hugs to you, Juliette. Xx
Ros McMaster, Brisbane, QLD
I CAN BREATHE AGAIN! To have Juliette hand me my birth chart that shows everything I have been feeling and all of the tests and challenges I have been going through, aren’t because I’m crazy and losing my mind, but because it’s the path I was born into and the life I AM capable of leading, truly, honestly feels like you have given me oxygen to breathe again!
Knowing it’s all on time, rather than feeling so tight in my chest worried that I was ‘running out of time’ ugh, gosh! You are amazing! Thank you SO SO SO MUCH! Everything you said I was laughing or crying because IT’S ME!! It is so very, very me!
You are wonderfully talented and I can’t thank you enough!!
Heidi Stewart Brown, Sydney, NSW
"I’ve just finished a 4 day intensive Numerology introduction workshop with Juliette and I can not begin to explain the endless wisdom I will take away from this epic journey!! 🧚♀️
We laughed, we cried, we were still buzzin’ after 16 hours of class in one day! (Literally 9am-1am 🤣)
The way this woman makes learning come alive, is magical, her passion is infectious, and the space of non-judgement she holds is so admirable!! Amongst a million other revelations, Numerology has taught me to see myself, others and situations as they really are. Armed me with the ability to understand why we act, or react the way we do, and to be able to see, hear, and react in a loving and productive way! Truly a journey to “making the unseen, seen” and learning to avoid applying your own vision as if it were that of the world.
If you find yourself asking why, feel stuck in a rut, or are interested in teaming up with “the powers that be” for the most effective, individualised plan of attack... I simply can’t recommend highly enough, a reading from Juliette (in person or online). Or better yet, the course I have just done!
Put it this way.. in this lifetime, you WILL get to your intended destination, on time, one way or another.. BUT, if you know the forecast, and a few basic techniques, you can choose to blast into the eye of the storm or sail smoothly around it!
“It doesn’t matter if you believe this stuff or not, it doesn’t make it any less relevant. Truth is. Belief is not required.” - Juliette Valentina
Couldn’t 😇😍 be happier, and CAN. NOT. WAIT!! to play with my new magic tricks!! 😊"
Amanda Curtis, Ananda Holistic Health, Coffs Harbour, Australia
"As soon as I met Juliette, I knew I wanted to learn more about Numerology … Hearing her talk with such wisdom, insight, enthusiasm, and passion about the sacred language of numbers and how all aspects of our lives are shaped and moulded by our relationship with these archetypes, hooked me immediately. I have not been disappointed!
I have dabbled a little with numerology before and thought it was interesting, same as how I find reading my horoscope in the paper interesting ... But with this class the energies have been made real, and made so relevant to me and my soul's journey. Juliette is such a skilled teacher she brings the information that she shares with us completely alive so that not only do I understand it intellectually, but I know it and feel it. It allows me to unravel and see different aspects of myseand my loved ones, bringing a greater understanding of our journeys and why we do the things we do. In so doing, this work brings empathy, compassion and new ways of being and interacting with the world.
Numerology allows you a “sneak peak” at what your soul has chosen to work on this time around, to make the unconscious conscious, to give yourself an opportunity to master the lessons you have chosen and to grasp all opportunities presented to you wholeheartedly, because ultimately you realise YOU have chosen all those lessons and opportunities as a part of your soul’s growth... This really is profound work in understanding and accepting yourself.
Thank you, Juliette. Seeing someone who so clearly loves what they do is so heart opening and inspiring. xx"
Katie Hotson, Geolight Healing, Coffs Harbour, Australia
"I can not thank Juliette enough for her dedication, thoughtfulness, time and knowledge. It is beyond reproach and I am so very grateful for her wisdom and knowledge.
I had a full chart reading and not only did she spend hours upon hours researching and putting it altogether for me, she then spent more hours explaining it all to me. Her professionalism and enthusiasm is inspiring. The reading provided me with clarity and even took my passions into other areas, which I had never ever considered, but made so much sense to me.
I have also trained with Juliette and her courses are amazing, inclusive, fun and enlightening. I have made many great friendships and have learnt so much. Nothing is too much trouble and Juliette's patience is unwavering.
She genuinely loves what she does, and it comes through in her teachings and readings.
I truly can not recommend Juliette enough. I have never had a teacher or reader like her. Her passion is incredible and her knowledge knows no limits. She is an amazing human with extraordinary skills. From the bottom of my heart I am so thankful and grateful.
Love Dee xx"
Dee Johnson, Coffs Harbour, Australia
"You blew me away, Juliette. I felt so connected to you because you were telling my story. I don't think there was a topic that we didn't touch on. This is amazing! You gave me such insight into me - my past, my present and my potential. I have walked away from our session feeling validated, but with some practical tips, and clarity around my patterns. I understand my "why"! And I feel reaffirmed that my life is turning out just the way it is meant to.
You have such power, Juliette. I am so pleased you are doing this sort of work for people. You are helping the universe be a better, kinder, more understanding place - one client at a time.
Thank you for your time, your wisdom, your generosity, and your kindness.
Please keep doing what you are doing. More people need to spend time with you. You are a valuable resource.
With Thanks
Lisa Ellem, Sydney, Australia"
"I loved my astrology and numerology sessions with Juliette. I felt so well guided, held. And the knowledge and wisdom she brought feels so solid and integrated.
Learning the aspects in my chart on a deeper level felt like dropping more into who I already am and I felt safe to open up and share. She has a positive perspective and gentle way of looking at the whole picture and drawing out what feels important and needs attention.
I feel filled up and seen, and I'm looking forward to integrating the insights.
Thank you with all my heart.
With Love, Eos"
Eos Koch, www.eoskoch.com, Spain
"Working with Juliette is a complete gift. Her work is so profound, yet so practical, so simple to implement it’s blessings into your day to day life.
She doesn’t just read your chart, she carries your soul through the deepest compassion, she sees you. She calls you out in a way your soul begs for and holds a mirror to your greatest potential. Juliette speaks to the parts of you that you thought unseen by others, the parts you questioned if you could even see yourself. She speaks to these fibers of your being and brings them to the light - the keys to our growth and understanding ones self.
Working with Juliette is a divine and completely FUN experience of mystical artistry! Thank you Juliette, I so love our sessions and find them invaluable."
Lucy McNulty, Australia
"My time with Juliette was deeply affirming and inspiring! I deeply appreciate that she took so much time and care to analyse & interpret my chart. Her insights were spot on, and are already helping me stand more fully in my power. Thank you! I am sincerely grateful."
Edda Lampis, Northern Rivers, Australia
"I had an Aura Soma and numerology session with Juliette and absolutely loved it! Juliette has so much wisdom and has a genuine, vibrant personality that makes readings with her an absolute pleasure! I found the Aura Soma so interesting and it’s incredible how much insight Juliette gave me from the colours I chose, along with the ones that are unique to my life path. I recommend this service wholeheartedly!"
Jessica Branco, Journey to Bliss, Northern Rivers, NSW
"My reading with Juliette was completely profound, and helped to explain everything that has ever happened in my life, including relationships/dynamics and choices I have made. It also really supported me to move forward with the next part of my life journey, as it shone light on the areas that I needed to focus on and see more clearly. Juliette has an astounding amount of knowledge around astrology, like a walking encyclopaedia really, and she combines intuition and wisdom with it all to bring wholistic support to her sessions. I highly recommend her to anyone wanting some support with gaining clarity in their lives and knowing how to move forward. I am sure she is going to become incredibly well known for her work and contributions to astrology and beyond!"
Charlie Snow, www.blisstitute.com, Australia
"Ahhh! I don't even know where to begin! Honestly, that was the most amazing session I've experienced. Juliette completely blew me out into the cosmos with her wide range of knowledge on astrology, numerology, and aura soma, and I feel like I honestly experienced only a small window of her knowledge on said topics.
I have to tell you, that night after our session I had this strange feeling - a feeling I could describe, but not actually fully feel. It was a feeling in my heart and when I woke up in the morning it was still there. I called my mum and talked to a friend, as I had to tell them about my amazing session with Juliette, and also about how I was feeling. I cried and then meditated and pulled an angel card with the tag line 'Rediscover Lost Parts of Yourself', and once again it all added up.
The emotions I was experiencing were a remembering for my soul, of all the pain it suffered in past lives, which Juliette brought up in our session. It was such a strange feeling but I felt positive at the same time, knowing the steps I have to take to help me overcome the karma I've brought into this life.
I can't wait to talk with Juliette again!"
Sophie P White, New Zealand
“I can’t even begin to thank Juliette for my incredibly powerful reading. I am still processing and I’m sure I will be for months. She totally hit all the right notes, bringing out exactly the issues that I needed to explore more intimately. Juliette not only explained (and passionately) the nuts and bolts of my chart, but also gave me meaningful and heartfelt ideas for how to move forward with what I had learned. I never would have guessed how profound this experience would be! It has totally been worth it! If anyone is looking for a gifted Astrologer, then I would not hesitate in recommending Juliette. A life-changing experience.”
Maria Summer, Lismore, Australia
"I completed a numerology course at the beginning of December and it was absolutely fantastic! Juliette is not only incredibly knowledgeable, but also so warm, passionate and willing to share her own experiences so that we would better relate. We had a wonderful group of strong women and plenty of material to apply which was really helpful. The biggest learning I have taken in from the course is that we see the world differently from one another, and our different numbers make it impossible for us to all see life from a similar angle. If you have ever wondered WHY someone in your life does certain things then this is definitely the course for you!"
Kelly Wotherspoon, Brisbane, Australia
"If you have ever wanted to learn numerology, you will not find a more enthusiastic, energetic, passionate, or knowledgeable teacher than Juliette. I highly recommend this course, not only to share space with an amazing lady, but because numerology provides a tool for developing your personal self-knowledge. It gives you many "Aha!" moments! As Juliette succinctly puts it, numerology gives you permission to be yourself."
Loni Joy, Noosa, Australia
"Do you want to understand yourself on a deeper level?
Do you wonder why you attract certain people, lessons and experiences into your world?
As soon as I saw Juliette’s course advertised I knew it was for me. Although I had a basic understanding of numerology I was ready to dive deeper.
I was blown away by everything I learned and after a week since completion of the course I am still processing the content and seeing everything around me in a different way.
I was sad to leave the group of beautiful souls with whom I shared four whole days with.
Juliette is an amazing teacher with a prolific wealth of knowledge and love of her subject. Her passion, expression and way of connecting with each and everyone in the group was magical and alchemical. I was supremely impressed with a statement she made in the intro on the first day around if you don’t understand anything ask and keep asking until you do.
The journey through the 9 archetypes was quite a revelation for me. It was as though I was meeting parts of myself and seeing them through a different lens. It helped me understand my life's journey to this point.
Juliette’s real and honest sharings of her own life experiences plus all the other wonderful tools she uses helped illustrate and imbue each archetype with a depth and richness of knowledge. Juliette has definitely re-ignited the child like wonder in me and I know that I will continue to grow and learn . The last day bought some deep emotions up and a lot of Aha moments. I felt safe, seen and heard and I’m truly grateful for the gifts you are sharing with us all.
Thanks, Juliette. You are truly one of the realest, rawest, truest expressions of a soul I have been privileged to be a student of and witness.
Big love 💜"
Olga Barry, Armidale, Australia
"I would like to thank Juliette for her very informative, interesting, and fun-filled Numerology Course! It was definitely far more than I expected. She is a great teacher, and a beautiful soul with so much passion and energy. Juliette's teachings were easy to follow, the way she translated the Numbers into everyday life. I never knew how deep Numerology could be! At 63 I thought I knew about myself, but I have been totally blown away!
Juliette, thank you gorgeous girl, for opening my eyes to see myself clearly."
Lyn Owen, Brisbane, Australia
"I won't lie to you I have felt out of place most of my life. I have felt as if I am a forgotten soul. My work with Juliette changed my opinion on this. It made me realize that even though I always feel alone, the universe does have a place for me. It has a path ... I just always had my blinders on and wanted a quick fix. She made me realize that I have gifts and I am special. And that I can be my own worst enemy. Even with this knowledge, I still have difficulties with my life. However, now I know why. I would recommend Juliette's service to anyone that feels that something is missing in their life. I would recommend it to people that even think they have all they need. It was a fascinating experience and I'm grateful for the time she took to help me.”
Tomas Whitton, Canada
"Studying numerology with Juliette was like opening a gateway in my life. Seeing the numbers and influences on my life and others has led me to really start making changes in how I approach life, to stop putting off things I've always wanted to do but never had the courage and has given me the tools to help others too. But probably most importantly it has given me a chance to look at my shadow side and work with it in a compassionate and constructive way. Studying with Juliette is easy, fun and can really change your life if you allow it. I will be back to learn more without question. I would highly recommend it to everyone."
Vanessa Breezy, Armidale, Australia
"Astrology and numerology have always fascinated me and, even as a completely uninitiated person, their potential was never in question. However the efficacy of the tool depends very much on the individual wielding it. Juliette is not a person practicing astrology and numerology, she is an embodiment of the art form. For me personally, this has been immeasurably supportive. I have huge levels of complexity in my life, and intra-personally (within myself) and Juliette’s readings have given me a context to my experience that has literally been life saving.
I now understand so much more about the contours of my existence, my potential and purpose as a being, and how to navigate the inevitable challenges that come with being human! Her wisdom and information is delivered with incredible insight and sensitivity
It has been like having a beautiful light turned on in a pretty dark and confusing place. I cannot recommend Juliette highly enough."
Paige, Melbourne, Australia
"For a very long time I have wanted to complete a numerology course, for all kinds of reasons I kept putting it off until I saw Juliette advertise her course in a town near me. I agonised for days about doing it and as a first step I messaged Juliette, I think for some reassurance that it was going to be ok and that is exactly what I got! From the first message, Juliette was warm and articulate. I knew right away this was the course for me.
The first day I was extremely nervous, but from the moment I arrived my nerves were put to ease.
The best part is how Juliette teaches. I was glued to her and found myself staring in awe! Juliette has incredible recall of the numbers and stories, this is invaluable when teaching this topic. Juliette teaches in a way that suits every type of learning style from visuals (movies and photos) to poetry and excellent written reference material. In addition you are supported by a Facebook group. This kind of access to someone as knowledgeable as Juliette is invaluable when learning numerology.
The other plus is the group of like minded people, I had some beautiful conversations with people that I probably would never have met if it wasn’t for this course.
If you are thinking of learning numerology this is the course for you. If you get nothing else from the course I will guarantee you will know more about yourself than you did before you started. I now have a better understanding of why I am the way I am and what I need to work on to be my best self plus how to better interact with my loved ones.
Thank you so much, Juliette, for sharing your wonderful gift with me. ❤️"
Jenine Post, Armidale, Australia
Dear Juliette,
I enjoy learning by diving and exploring at a deep level, and I just wanted to let you know how delighted I am that your Numerology course whole-heartedly embraced and enabled each person’s individual learning style(s) and needs, from the beginner through to the more experienced.
Your experience, enthusiasm and non-judgemental attitude, brought each of the numbers to life for me. By unpacking the complexities, the joys and the challenges, you showed me how the numbers intricately weave, the personal/social, cognitive/creative, and the emotional/spiritual aspects of our lives, into a meaningful combination that articulates each person’s individual and unique qualities.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and your personal experiences, with us. The passionate quality of your teaching unequivocally enriched my understanding of the numbers, which for me means, firmly cementing Numerology into my personal toolkit.
Many, many thanks.
With much Love and Light
Kay Blanch xxx, Wollongong, Australia
Hi Juliette,
I just wanted to write a little message to you because you are so beautiful and deserve full praise for the work you do.
Thank you so much for providing me with the opportunity to study and learn about numerology in a way that is non-confrontational, safe, fun and rich with content! I love your story telling and the way your emotions flow through your work. Your such a great teacher to learn from!
I’m very glad our paths crossed. you have already helped me so much. I was thinking I’d be vocally stuck, introverted and misunderstood forever and that it would inhibit any chance of future growth. But after hearing your story of struggles I now know there is hope. It’s just going to take a lot of guts, time and probably my fair share of tears!!!
Your an inspiration & I love what you do!!!!!!! 😊
Thank you for being you 🙏
Ellie Bon, Armidale, Australia 🦋🐝
"I have recently spent four Saturdays doing numerology with Juliette. Of the three numerology courses I’ve done over 25 years, I can honestly say that Juliette's has been the best and the most informative. I have a far greater understanding now of the numbers and the difference within each number. Never before have I been given such an understanding.
Juliette is very kind, real, and gives 110% of herself in her teachings. She has an amazing knowledge of the numbers and what she can see in a chart . I just loved it and would highly recommend her courses and classes."
Tammy Baird, Brisbane, Australia
"I've heard before that an unexamined dream is like an unopened letter from your soul.....and today I was lucky enough to dive deep into a recent dream with Juliette to unravel the message my soul was sending me. I loved the collaborative approach! With a few pertinent questions, and then applying her deep insight and wisdom, Juliette brought to light the core message of my dream. It was a profound experience with many 'aha' moments. I highly recommend Juliette's Dream Alchemy!"
Belinda Burton, Brunswick Heads, Australia
"Juliette’s presence is so warming and welcoming. I loved how passionate she is about her work, it was so refreshing to see someone who loved what they do. Her passion and commitment was reflected in how accurate my reading was. I had not heard of astrology or numerology before, and didn’t have any understanding of either aspects. Juliette explained all of her information so clearly to in turn help me understand what she was talking about. I was amazed at how numerology and astrology worked and how it so specifically related to my personality and my life. I left the session feeling inspired and excited with what my life has to offer. I definitely recommend paying her a visit, you won’t regret it."
Olivia McKeachie, Sawtell, Australia
"I have been one of the lucky ones to have met Juliette by chance. Her deep knowledge of the Heavens and what they are trying to tell us comes from years of experience and practise. Beautiful Juliette has a way of interpreting the Heavens in a way that is so easy to grasp that you are left feeling full of understanding and light.
So if you, like myself, are lucky enough to come across this special being and also have the good fortune of letting her do a chart reading for you, you’ll quickly realise it’s pure magic.
This is one forté amongst many. Her numerology skills are out of this world. She will more likely become a confidant than someone you visit once. By far, one of my favourite astrologers!"
Natalie Wagner, United Kingdom
"I share this in service and gratitude to Juliette, who has inspired and challenged me through her generous, insightful teaching. Juliette's Numerology Course is both highly informative and fun! I now have a greater level of self-knowledge and clarity, thanks to her wisdom, lead, and personal teaching style. This clarity was enhanced by my personal session with her.
Juliette has helped to enliven a truer sense of my essence and purpose. With her connection to and knowledge of the heights above, she expressed my journey in a tangible, supportive way. With her exposure of Soul depths, she both relieved and challenged me. I have gained greater understanding, acceptance, and compassion for myself, others, and the world at large.
I have been greatly served by the generous Soul work that she passionately brings to the world, and I highly recommend Juliette's time and teaching.
Blessings, from one seeker to another on this journey we all share."
Mandy Askew, Lismore, Australia
"It has been an absolute pleasure to be given the opportunity to experience both a personal numerology/astrology reading, and to also dive deeper into the numbers by engaging in a 10 week Numerology Course under the professional guidance of Juliette.
My personal reading was very accurate - giving me a greater insight into my Life Path and purpose. The Numerology Course I found most interesting. It helped me learn a lot about myself and my journey, and also gave me a better understanding of the archetypes that we are in direct relationship with.
Juliette speaks from the heart and with great passion and wisdom. Her knowledge in this field is outstanding, and I am extremely grateful that she is open and generous enough to share her wisdom with such enthusiasm. Juliette has a natural way of connecting to her students and keeping it real. I am very excited to further my knowledge in this field under the nurturing guidance of Juliette."
Dean Puls, Sawtell, Australia
"Hello. My name is Jipsey.
On the 15th of July, 2018, I stumbled upon Juliette at a local market. She gave me her time, wisdom, and guidance lovingly and without reserve. My experience with Juliette was something I am still working on being able to articulate with clarity.
See, I had been asking my Goddess to show me my path after a significant spiritual shift that had had left me feeling desperately lost, conflicted and actually very sad.
About 2 months ago, I began feeling things within myself that I could not explain - an innate desire to explore who or what I was governed by. Without sharing too much of myself, all I can say is that Juliette gave me the strength and knowledge to begin a new path of spiritual evolution, something which those of us on this path value beyond anything.
Because of Juliette, I am no longer afraid. Now I am excited about who I am, and have begun exploring my studies into these worlds with a serenity and self acceptance I found no where else. Juliette honoured and made valuable all that I have experienced.
I will follow my path with determination. And this is possible because Juliette was waiting for me to arrive ....
With love and gratitude always. xxxx"
Jipsey, Lismore, Australia
"To experience Juliette’s Numerology Course is like having an invitation to speak to your own soul, to hear its desires, to know what lessons you’ve come here for, to see the truth of yourself. I feel like I’ve been given permission to be me in the most beautiful way, and to really step into my power and my gifts! So much makes sense, now! So many revelations! I have also learnt invaluable information about the people in my life, especially my children, and how I can support their journey on a new and deep level. I have a powerful new way of understanding and relating to their souls' individual needs! The ripple effect from attending Juliette’s course will be felt through my whole tribe and beyond! I feel so blessed and grateful to have found Juliette’s offerings! Thank you. x"
Tracie Callaghan, Lismore, Australia
Owner, Heart Body Soul Holistic Centre
"I have been attending an introductory course in numerology with Juliette. It was like water to a thirsty soul! I feel so very blessed to have had such an awesome, passionate, and inspiring teacher. Juliette has made this complex and sometimes perplexing modality interesting, engaging, and exciting! I feel confident that I can begin my own journey as a numerologist, and have no hesitation in recommending Juliette as a talented teacher to anyone considering undertaking a course with her."
Janette Oliveri, Brisbane, Australia
"I have profound respect for the way Juliette unfolds her knowledge and wisdom about the astrological and numerological aspects of my chart. Her passion and enthusiasm is evident in her delivery, and I'm astounded at her intuition and the accuracy of my reading, which I am extremely grateful for.
I felt a very genuine experience with Juliette and she has validated my deep beliefs about the cosmos and the unseen. The information that Juliette shared through this experience has opened my eyes on a much deeper level and her insight left me hungry for more!
I look forward to seeing her again during my next reading."
Madeline, Coffs Harbour, Australia